Royal Activities
Friday 22 November 2013

President Barack Obama Meets With His Majesty King Mohammed VI At White House

President Barack Obama Meets With His Majesty King Mohammed VI At White House

MAP- U.S. President Barack Obama met, Friday at the White House, with His Majesty King Mohammed VI, who is on an official working visit to the United States of America.

During this important meeting, His Majesty the King and the U.S. President discussed various issues of common interest at the bilateral, regional, and international levels.

   The two leaders reaffirmed their determination to consolidate the long-standing friendship, the successful partnership, and the strategic alliance uniting the two countries.

   The Moroccan delegation included Fouad Ali El Himma, and Taib Fassi Fihri, Advisers to His Majesty the King, Salaheddine Mezouar, Foreign Minister, Mohamed Boussaid, Minister of Economy and Finance, Mbarka Bouaida, Minister-delegate for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Rashad Bouhlal, Ambassador of His Majesty the King to the United States, and Youssef Amrani, Senior chargé of mission to the King's office.