Royal Activities
Thursday 2 May 2013

HM the King sends condolence letter to Saudi King following floods

 letter of condolence

 MAP - His Majesty King Mohammed VI sent a letter of condolence and sympathy to the Custodian of the Holy Mosques, King Abdullah Ibn Abdulaziz Al Saud, following the floods that hit parts of Saudi Arabia, causing several casualties and significant damage.

   In this message, the Sovereign expressed his sincere feelings of solidarity and sympathy to the Custodian of the Holy Places after this tragic event.

   On this sad occasion, HM the King expressed, in His name and on behalf of the Moroccan people, to King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud and through him, to the families of the victims and all the people of Saudi Arabia, His sincere condolences and deep feelings of sympathy, compassion, and solidarity. The Sovereign also prayed the Almighty to embrace the victims in His holy mercy and welcome them in His vast paradise, and to grant King Abdullah bin Abdelaziz and the bereaved families patience and consolation.