Royal Activities
Tuesday 12 November 2024

HM the King Offers Condolences to Family of Late Hassan Akesbi

HM the King Offers Condolences to Family of Late Hassan Akesbi

His Majesty King Mohammed VI sent a message of condolences and compassion to the members of the family of late Hassan Akesbi, a former player of the Moroccan national soccer team.

In this message, His Majesty the King states that he has learned with great emotion and deep sorrow the news of the late Hassan Akesbi's death, imploring the Almighty God to preserve him in His holy mercy and welcome him into His vast paradise.

In this painful ordeal, the Sovereign expresses to members of the family of the deceased and, through them, to his relatives, friends and fans, as well as to his great national sporting family, His deep condolences and His feelings of compassion following the loss of a pioneering sporting personality, who early contributed to the influence of Moroccan soccer since the 50s, boasting an impressive performance that earned him a special place in the history of the best strikers both nationally and internationally.

Sharing the grief of the family members of the deceased following this tragic loss, HM the King recalled the virtues of the late player, known for his high moral qualities, his sincere patriotism and his high sportsmanship, all virtues which set him apart as an example for generations of young Moroccan players and as a source of dedication and performance within national and international clubs, notably in Europe.

The Sovereign implored the Most High to grant the deceased's family patience and comfort, to preserve him with His Holy Mercy and to amply reward him for his praiseworthy services in the service of Moroccan sport and his homeland. “Surely to Allah we belong and to Him we will all return”, true is the Word of God. 

MAP:11 November 2024