Royal Activities
Sunday 4 August 2013

HM The King Withdraws Pardon Granted To Spanish Daniel Galvan Fina (Release)

HM The King Withdraws Pardon Granted To Spanish Daniel Galvan Fina (Release)

 HM King Mohammed VI has decided to withdraw the pardon previously granted to the Spanish man named, Daniel Galvan Fina, the royal office announced in the following release :

    "His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May God assist him, has decided to withdraw the pardon previously granted to the Spanish national Daniel Galvan Fina.

     This exceptional decision was made by His Majesty the King, may God assist him, given the loopholes that marked the procedure, the gravity of the committed crimes, and in respect of the victims’ rights.

     As a result of this decision, the Sovereign issued his high instructions to the justice minister to examine with his Spanish peer the effects to be given to the pardon withdrawal".

     Upon instructions of the Sovereign, a deep investigation is ongoing to determine responsibilities and loopholes that led to the regrettable liberation and identify the one or those responsible for this neglect.