Royal Activities
Tuesday 24 September 2013

HM The King Receives Several Foreign Ambassadors

HM The King Receives Several Foreign Ambassadors

HM King Mohammed VI received, on Tuesday at the royal palace in Rabat, several foreign ambassadors who came to present their credentials as ambassadors of their countries in the Kingdom.

They are:

 - Platon-Alexis Hadjimichalis, Ambassador of the Republic of Greece.

- Sun Shuzhong, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China.

 - Michael Lund Jeppesen, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark.

 - Valery Vorobiev, Ambassador of the Russian Federation.

 - José Patricio Gutierrez Maxwell, Ambassador of the Republic of Argentina.

 - Amine Ahmed Mohamed Abou Houseira, Ambassador of the State of Palestine.

 - Pham Truong Giang, Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

 - Ahmed Ihab Abdelahad Jamaleddine,  Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

 HM the King received afterwards foreign ambassadors who came to take their leave of the sovereign at the end of their missions in the Kingdom.

 They are Jean-Luc Bodson, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium, Clifford Nii Amon Kotey, Ambassador of the Republic of Ghana and Moussa Ben Hamdan Attaai, Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman whom the sovereign decorated with the Alawite Wissam of exceptional class. They are also Japan's ambassador Toshinori Yanagiya to whom the sovereign awarded the Alawite Wissam of second rank (Grand officer), as well as Thierry Munoz Ledo Chevannier, Ambassador of the United Mexican States.

 The audience was attended by minister delegate for foreign affairs Youssef Amrani and HM the King's Chamberlain Brahim Frej.