Royal Activities
Monday 19 August 2013

HM the King pardons 357 inmates on the occasion of the Revolution of the King and the People

HM the King pardons 357 inmates on the occasion of the Revolution of the King and the People

On the occasion of the Revolution of the King and the People, HM King Mohammed VI granted pardon to 357 convicts, a statement by the Justice Ministry said on Monday.

- One prisoner benefited from pardon over his remaining prison term, while 258 had their prison terms reduced.

- 26 prisoners were granted pardon over their imprisonment term or remaining prison term.

- 1 prisoner had his sentence commutated from life imprisonment to a prison sentence for a period of time.

- 3 inmates benefited from pardon over their imprisonment term while their fines were maintained.

- 2 inmates benefited from pardon over their prison term and fines as well.

- 66 prisoners had their fines annulled.

 Royal pardon is customary in the North African Kingdom to mark national and religious holidays.