Royal Activities
Sunday 6 October 2013

HM The King Launches Several Community Projects Dedicated To Children, Youth, And Women In Errachidia

HM The King Launches Several Community Projects Dedicated To Children, Youth, And Women In Errachidia

 His Majesty King Mohammed VI launched, Sunday in Errachidia, several community projects meant for child protection, the social development of young people and women, the promotion of education of girls, and the creation of income-generating activities.

   These projects, to be carried out by the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity, for a total sum of 17.5 million dirhams, include the creation of a center for marketing of local products, a home student "Dar Attaliba", a center for abandoned children, and a community center.

   Benefiting children, youth, girls and women, and the people in need in the region of Errachidia, these local projects reflect the constant commitment of His Majesty the King to provide all strata of society with the necessary tools for socio-economic integration to enable them to participate actively in the development of their country.

   The local products market will be built for an amount of 3.5 million dirhams, and will include four exhibition halls of local products (henna, cumin, honey, sickles, Haik), a gallery, a multipurpose room, and a terrace.

   Located on university campus, "the student house" (Dar Attaliba) aims to support the education of girls from needy families in the region, and to fight against girls' school dropout.

   With a capacity of 120 beds, "Dar Attaliba" (8 million DH) includes 60 double rooms, including two for people with special needs, a media room, a library, a multipurpose room, an infirmary, a laundry room, and four businesses that generate income to ensure the management of the institution.

   Regarding the center for abandoned children, it will provide full support for these children, ensuring their education and their integration in society.

   Costing 3 million DH , the future center, which accommodates for 25 children, includes a dormitory for newborns, a dormitory for children (1 to 4 years), an infirmary, a dining room, a kitchen, a recreation room, a laundry, a staff lounge, and a lobby.

   The community center is part of the efforts of the foundation to reach out to young people and women for a better social and professional integration, including through an educational approach consisting of skills consolidation, and support to education and training.

   Accommodating up to 200 people, the social center nearby will provide training to female beneficiaries, as well as school and educational support and cultural activities for young people in the region.

   With a budget of 3 million DH, this project will include culinary arts workshops, showcasing of local produce, language, academic support sessions, and literacy classes, a library, a media center, a multipurpose room, a nursery and a children recreation room.