Royal Activities
Tuesday 1 October 2013

HM The King Congratulates Chinese President On China's Foundation Anniversary

HM The King Congratulates Chinese President On China's Foundation Anniversary

HM King Mohammed VI sent a message of congratulation of President Xi Jinping on the 64th anniversary of the foundation of the People's Republic of China. The Sovereign commends the RPC's leading role at the regional and world scenes and its pioneer role in achieving lasting development and true economic takeoff of developing countries.

HM the King also expresses "great satisfaction at the enduring development of longlasting friendship, fruitful cooperation and active solidarity existing between the two countries", voicing firm will to continue to endeavor, together with the Chinese president, to raise bilateral  ties to the level of strategic partnership, consolidate dialogue and consultation between the two countries on various regional and international issues of common interest.

The royal message also conveys the Sovereign's warmest congratulation and best wishes of health and happiness to the Chinese head of state as well as best wishes of further progress and prosperity for the Chinese people.