Royal Activities
Saturday 16 March 2024

HM the King, Commander of the Faithful, Chairs First Religious Lecture of Ramadan 1445 AH

HM the King, Commander of the Faithful, Chairs First Religious Lecture of Ramadan 1445 AH

His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, may God assist Him, accompanied by HRH Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, HRH Prince Moulay Rachid and HH Prince Moulay Ismail, chaired on Friday at the Royal Palace in Rabat the first religious lecture of the holy month of Ramadan 1445 AH.

The lecture was given by the Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs, Ahmed Toufiq, on the theme of "The renewal of religion in the system of Imarat Al Muminin” (Commandery of the Faithful), inspired by the Hadith of the Prophet Sidna Mohammed (PBUH): “Allah will raise for this community at the end of every hundred years the one who will renew its religion for it."

Toufiq began the lecture by emphasizing that the Commandery of the Faithful has fulfilled and continues to fulfill its mission in all fields, including the religious field in the broadest sense, by ensuring the preservation of the Ummah’s fundamental choices and the imperatives of renewal to keep pace with change.

This preservation and renewal, he explained, are based on three axes: "the renewal of religion as approached by Muslims and others in the past and today", "the renewal of religion within the framework of the Commandery of the Faithful" and "the prospects for this renewal on a national scale, inspired by a model that is an extension of the efforts made by the Sovereign in fulfilling His mission”.

He pointed out that, while the proponents of renewal from within Islam might currently be having some impact, their discourse has nevertheless failed to provide Muslims with the answers they were hoping for, in this case those making the religious act a springboard towards the fullness promised by the Holy Quran.

With regard to the revival of religion in Morocco in the past and today, he stressed that the Almighty has kept the country safe from all forms of discord (fitnah), having opted since the Idrisids for the institution of the Commandery of the Faithful.

While the various dynasties that have reigned in Morocco have alternated plans for reform and renewal, he said, the Alawite dynasty has opted for concrete reforms, including the restoration of the country's political unity following its disintegration at the end of the Saadi reign, the re-establishment of security and stability, the exercise of consensual arbitration between the society’s different components and the fight against foreign covetousness.

Among the manifestations of this dynasty's revival of religion are the sultan's counsels, which draw their essence from the spirit of the prophetic hadith, the subject of this lecture, including the message addressed by His late Majesty Hassan II to the Islamic Ummah on the occasion of the beginning of the 15th century of the Hegira, in which the late Sovereign said that God has generously endowed Muslims with a solidly based faith whose strong structure is worthy of all times and places, and a Shariah whose principles need no modification.

As part of the preservation and renewal of religion, the Commandery of the Faithful is also in charge of protecting human dignity, since the Commander of the Faithful, as the guardian of the act of allegiance, must ensure the dignity of people and public freedoms, he said.

In addition, the Commandery of the Faithful has paid particular attention to the issue of the family in terms of legal renewal, social support and legal reform, he added, noting that the issue of women is constantly evolving within Imarat Al Muminin.

He pointed out that the Commandery of the Faithful has given a sense of renewal through introducing the participative finance model in the banking system, while setting itself up as a model in the social sphere, the various trials having demonstrated that the values of religion continue to shape the conscience of the Ummah.

Reviewing the Commandery of the Faithful's action to protect and renew religion, Toufik stressed the importance of protecting the cultural diversity of the various components of the Ummah and safeguarding spiritual values, which reflect the depth of the religious act and the specificity of belonging to the Islamic Ummah.

Turning to the third theme of the lecture, Toufik noted the disparity between the perfect practice of religion and the lack of quality in the religious act, emphasizing the role of inspired Ulema in the equation for change and renewal.

Aware of this disparity, the Ulema institution has embarked on an innovative project based on the use of various means of influence, the re-establishment of the role of Ulemas as influencers and their direct involvement in the field, notably within mosques, with the support of Imams, Mourchidines and Mourchidates.

He concludes that the transmission of knowledge has a dual goal: to reduce the costs of political management and to guard against all forms of internal and external discord, and thus be in a position to face up to all potential challenges.

At the end of the lecture, HM the King was greeted by the Grand Mufti of Egypt, Shawki Allam, the President of the Fatwa Council of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Abdullah bin Sheikh Al Mahfoud bin Bayyah, the Emir of the State of Kano (Federal Republic of Nigeria), HH Aminou Ado Bayaro, the President of the International Islamic University of Indonesia, Jamhari Makruf, the Chairman of the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema’s Section in Namibia, President of the Islamic Judicial Council of the Republic of Namibia, Mohamed Mathieu Nebkombo and the Chairman of the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema’s Section in Niger, Idrissa Maiga Abdallah.

The Sovereign was also greeted by Sheikh Al-Mahfoudh bin Abdullah bin Bayyah, Secretary General of the Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace (United Arab Emirates), Mahmoud Abdou Zouber, Chairman of the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema’s Section in the Republic of Mali and chargé de mission in the Office of the President of the Republic, and Ali Mohammed Salim, Chairman of the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema’s Section  in the Republic of Kenya, Abdelkader Sheikh Ali Ibrahim, Chairman of the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema’s Section in the Federal Republic of Somalia, Sheikh Salim Hitimana, member of the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema’s Section in the Republic of Rwanda, Mufti of the State and President of the Higher Council of Islamic Affairs in the Republic of Rwanda, and by Langa Dolani Vincent Zaid, Chairman of the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema’s Section in South Africa.

Subsequently, the Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs, Ahmed Toufiq, presented to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, a book entitled "Religious Recommendations of the Sovereigns of the Alawite Dynasty to the Moroccan Ummah".

The book contains eight copies of messages addressed by the Sultans of the Alaouite Dynasty, from the reign of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdallah (1171 AH- 1204 AH) to the reign of the late HM Hassan II, Commander of the Faithful, may God rest his soul, to the Moroccan Nation on the subject of safeguarding religion and its renewal.

MAP: 15 March 2024