Royal Activities
Wednesday 16 October 2013

Aid Al Adha: HM The King Sends Congratulations Messages To Islamic Heads Of State

Aid Al Adha: HM The King Sends Congratulations Messages To Islamic Heads Of State

On the occasion of Aid Al-Adha, HM king Mohammed VI sent messages of congratulations and best wishes to Islamic heads of state.16 October 2013   In the messages, the sovereign stresses that “the Islamic nation is marking with joy this great Islamic event which incarnates the values of faith, sacrifice and celestial ideals”.    The Islamic nation, the Royal messages go on, is looking forward to consolidating its adhesion to the teachings and virtues preached by their religions, particularly those of solidarity, mutual help and tolerance, far from any excess, extremism or ostracism.    HM the King further prayers the Almighty to help the Islamic leaders elevate the Ummah to the place it deserves among other nations and fulfill the wishes of Islamic peoples to comprehensive development in dignity and in the respect of our holy religion teachings to dialogue, tolerance, coexistence and peace.