Princely Activities
Tuesday 29 October 2024

HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa, Ms. Brigitte Macron Visit Rabat's Botanical Test Garden

HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa, Ms. Brigitte Macron Visit Rabat's Botanical Test Garden

Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa, President of the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection, and Ms. Brigitte Macron visited Rabat's botanical test garden on Tuesday.

Upon her arrival at the botanical test garden, Ms. Brigitte Macron was welcomed by HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa, before reviewing a detachment of Auxiliary Forces who made the honors.

   Her Royal Highness and Ms. Brigitte Macron were then greeted by the Minister of National Education, Preschool and Sports, Mohamed Saad Berrada, the Wali of the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra Region, Mohamed Yacoubi, the President of the Agdal-Riad district, Abdelilah Bouzidi, the President Delegate of the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection, Lalla Nouzha Alaoui, the Secretary General of the Ministry of National Education, Preschool and Sports, Younes Shimi, and the Head of the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra Regional Academy of Education and Training and Director of Human Resources at the Ministry, Mohamed Aderdour.

   HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa and Ms. Brigitte Macron were then greeted by eco-schoolchildren, before visiting the botanical test garden.

   On this occasion, Her Royal Highness and Ms. Brigitte Macron followed a presentation of the various actions undertaken by the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection.

   Since its creation, the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection has placed environmental education at the heart of its mission. Aware of the major environmental issues at stake, the Foundation has adopted a collaborative and inclusive approach aimed at awakening collective awareness, encouraging shared responsibility and bringing about lasting behavioral change among all stakeholders.

   The Foundation begins its awareness-raising effort at pre-school level. Convinced that the first years of life are crucial in forming habits, the Foundation adopts specific programs to initiate young children to the simple acts of preserving natural resources.

   Through its various programs and initiatives covering several fields, the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection stands out as a key player in education for sustainable development, striving for a future where young generations, armed with knowledge and tools, are able to meet future environmental challenges.

   HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa and Ms. Brigitte Macron were also introduced to Rabat’s Botanical Test Garden.

   Founded in 1914 on an overall area of 17 hectares (10 hectares in the upstream section and 7 hectares in the downstream section), Rabat’s Botanical Test Garden is both an environmental education center for the general public and an ideal place to promote the country's ecological heritage. It is also a biological resource center for scientific research and a home for plant collections devoted to the conservation of biodiversity.

   Her Royal Highness and Ms. Brigitte Macron then followed another presentation of the educational path of the garden, as well as an educational tool developed around the cactus, an emblematic plant of arid zones.

   It was also an opportunity to highlight the Young Environmental Reporters Program, which is meant to create a generation of children educated in sustainable development.

   Subsequently, HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa and Ms. Brigitte Macron were presented with an educational model to promote good practices related to the sustainable management of water, a vital resource, while encouraging eco-responsible actions that everyone can adopt on a daily basis. This is one of the Foundation's flagship projects.

   Her Royal Highness and Ms. Brigitte Macron also attended an aromatic plant workshop, marked by a sensory activity dedicated to preschool children.

   HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa and Ms. Brigitte Macron then attended a presentation of a module highlighting the importance of water for trees, before following an extracurricular activity of eco-schoolchildren around educational games.

   At the end of this visit, HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa and Ms. Brigitte Macron posed for a souvenir photo.

MAP: 29 October 2024