Princely Activities
Saturday 9 March 2013

HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa Donates Blood

SAR la Princesse Lalla Hasnaa fait don de sang

HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa donated blood on Saturday at the Regional Blood Transfusion Centre in Rabat, on the occasion of the national blood donation campaign.

    On Friday, HM King Mohammed VI donated blood, marking the launch of a national campaign, organized between 8 and 24 March under the motto "every blood donation can save three lives. We can all be heroes". The campaign shows HM the King's will to make blood donation a public health priority and an element of health security.

    The nationwide initiative seeks to raise public awareness of the importance of blood donation, collect a blood bag security stock for a 4 week-consumption (40,000 donations) and increase by 28% the number of donations for 2013.

    Important human means and logistics were mobilized to ensure the success of the 12.5 million dirham-campaign.