Monday 3 March 2025

HRC: Morocco Reaffirms Commitment, Readiness to Promote Respect for Human Rights

HRC: Morocco Reaffirms Commitment, Readiness to Promote Respect for Human Rights

Morocco reaffirmed on Monday its commitment and readiness to promote respect for human rights on the occasion of the 58th session of the Human Rights Council, which runs until April 4 in Geneva.

"It is in this spirit that Morocco, as a core state of the initiative on the Convention against Enforced Disappearances, alongside Argentina, France, and Samoa, has presented two major national commitments," said Ambassador Omar Zniber, Morocco's Permanent Representative to the UN Office at Geneva.

These commitments include the organization, in Morocco, of a regional symposium to promote ratification of the Convention and implementation of its provisions and the inclusion of enforced disappearance in criminal legislation as an independent crime and a crime against humanity, added the ambassador, who was delivering Morocco's statement under item 02 of the session's agenda.

In addition, and in partnership with Paraguay and Portugal, Morocco has been active in giving substance to the initiative to create the International Network of National Mechanisms for the Implementation, Reporting, and Monitoring of Human Rights by hosting, last October, the 10th edition of the Glion Dialogue on Human Rights, which culminated in the adoption of the Marrakech Policy Framework for the creation and development of effective national mechanisms, and by organizing, last week, a high-level panel on the consolidation of this network, he continued.

The diplomat also indicated that during the current session, and in line with its efforts to promote women's diplomacy in human rights, Morocco, together with other partners, will introduce a draft resolution aimed at institutionalizing the celebration in Geneva of International Women's Day in Diplomacy.

Furthermore, the ambassador affirmed that Morocco "is resolutely pursuing the process of consolidating its legal arsenal for the promotion of human rights."

2024 saw the launch of the process to revise the Family Code, one of the Kingdom's major reforms, using a well-considered, balanced approach that combines the preservation of national identity with adaptation to social transformations and international commitments in the field of human rights, he added.

In addition, and to provide Morocco with a modern legal framework in line with the best international human rights standards, drafts of the Penal Code and the law on criminal procedure are currently the subject of constructive debate between the government, parliamentarians, and professionals in the sector, Zniber stated.

The diplomat also mentioned the adoption of the organic law defining the conditions and modalities for exercising the right to strike and the entry into force of the law on alternative sentencing, which are now essential to meet the contemporary imperatives of penal policy.

MAP: 03 March 2025