Spanish Interior Minister Hails Cooperation with Morocco

Cooperation between Spain and Morocco is "fruitful", Spanish Interior minister, Juan Ignacio Zoido, said here on Tuesday.
Speaking at a press briefing following talks with Moroccan Interior minister, Abdelouafi Laftit, Zoido underlined the importance of promoting cooperation between Rabat and Madrid.
"We are convinced that no country is immune from terrorist threats, which only international cooperation can eradicate," he added.
The Spanish minister is also convinced that this fight will not be easy and that "unfortunately there will be other victims", adding that "the help of everyone, particularly Morocco, is the key to winning this fight."
In his turn, Laftit said the two countries are bound by a security partnership based on shared responsibility and mutual trust.
He also hailed the "exemplary" security cooperation between the two countries, noting that coordination between Moroccan and Spanish security services led to the dismantling of several terrorist cells in Morocco and Spain.
Laftit reiterated Morocco’s unconditional solidarity and strong condemnation of the criminal acts that targeted Barcelona recently.
Talks focused on several issues, including the fight against terrorism and organized crime, he said, noting that children of second and third-generation Moroccan immigrants born in European countries "need special attention to avoid falling into the clutches of terrorists."
The visit to Morocco of the Spanish minister is part of the regular consultations between Morocco and Spain on matters of common interest, particularly the fight against terrorism, he said, noting that the Moroccan and Spanish security services collaborate in ongoing investigations.
MAP 29 August 2017