Wednesday 25 December 2013

Morocco Condemns Car Bomb Explosion In Egyptian Police Station

Morocco Condemns Car Bomb Explosion In Egyptian Police Station

Morocco condemned on Wednesday the car bomb explosion against a police station in the Egyptian city of Mansoura as a "vile criminal act".

''The Kingdom of Morocco condemns this vile criminal act that runs counter to teachings of tolerant Islam and to the lofty human values advocating the right to live", says a release of the ministry of foreign affairs and cooperation.

 The release also reiterates Morocco's refusal of all forms of violence and terrorism, as well as any attempts to jeopardize Egypt's security and stability at a time the Arab country is carrying on with resolve and courage the implementation of its roadmap which includes mainly a constitutional referendum.

 Morocco underscores that Egypt needs presently "the commitment of all parties to promote reason and get more involved in serious and open dialog, while taking into account the interests of the interests of the Egyptian brother people".

 Morocco also offered condolences and sympathy to the government, the Egyptian people and relatives of victims and wished prompt recovery to hose wounded in the attack which killed 14 people.