Morocco’s FM Conveys Message From HM The King To Russian President

Morocco’s minister of foreign affairs and cooperation on Thursday met Russian peer Serguei Lavrov, to whom he handed a message from HM King Mohammed VI to Russian president Vladimir Putin.
Mezouar told the media that he conveyed a message from the Sovereign to the Russian president, adding that the meeting was also an opportunity to reaffirm the quality of the outstanding ties existing between the two heads of state and Morocco’s will to promote ties with Russia, and deepen and expand their strategic partnership.
The two heads of diplomacy have agreed to convene next September the Moroccan-Russian joint commission and to launch meetings of the various commissions to examine sectors that need to be developed to be in tune with the new approach to bilateral relations.
He added that the Russian foreign minister also reiterated his country’s constant support to the UN process to reach a political and consensus-based settlement to the Sahara issue and insisted on the need to maintain peace and stability in the region.
The meeting reviewed a set of regional and international issues as well as threats facing the Sahel and Sahara region, went on Mezouar who noted that Russia is following with great interest developments in the African and Arab regions.
MAP 03 July 2014
Rabat And Moscow, Friendly Ties Driven By Spirit Of Dialogue On Issues Of Shared Interest, FM
Relations between Morocco and Russia have always been driven by the spirit of dialogue on issues of shared interest, said, on Thursday in Moscow, foreign affairs minister Salaheddine Mezouar.
The minister, who was talking at a joint press conference with Russian peer Sreguei Lavrov, said that the Moroccan-Russian ties have witnessed recently a positive revolution since Morocco have become the top trade partner of Russia in Africa and in the Arab world, adding that the two countries are driven by the same will to further their ties.
Mezouar met with Lavrov to whom he handed a message from HM King Mohammed VI to Russian president Vladimir Putin which is part of the relations of mutual respect between the two leaders and confirms the common will to bolster bilateral ties and deepen partnership and political consultations.
The strategic partnership agreement between the two parties is a real road map for the exceptional relations between Morocco and Russia, said Mezouar, who hoped that these bonds would get stronger at all levels mainly concerning tourism and trade exchanges.
He added that Morocco is an open gateway to Africa where it ranks second in terms of investment.
MAP 03 July 2014