Morocco Calls For Promoting Arab Solidarity

Morocco on Monday called for promoting Arab solidarity to enable Arab countries regain their place on the world stage, impose their presence on the international stage and defend their sacred values and causes.
In a speech before the 143rd session of the council of foreign ministers of the Arab League, Minister Delegate for Foreign Affairs Mbarka Bouaida expressed the major concerns of the Kingdom vis-à-vis the serious developments in the Arab world.
The decisive causes of Arab countries will not evolve without a change in their treatment method, Bouaida said, adding that the international community "cannot treat us seriously as long as it does not see the persistence of the Arab nation to defend its causes and recover its rights".
The Palestinian issue has not experienced any change and remains unresolved despite the efforts and approaches to support the Palestinian people and their right to have their independent State with its capital Al-Quds, she noted.
According to the minister, the impasse of the peace process in the Middle East, as well as the settlement policy in the occupied territories requires from Arab countries to launch a new dynamic in accordance with the Arab Peace Initiative and pertinent international resolutions.
Morocco, under the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI, reaffirms its mobilization to defend the Palestinian issue, preserve the legal status of Al-Quds Acharif and protect it against the Judaization policy with all legal, political, diplomatic, human and material means available, the Minister stressed.
MAP 09 March 2015