Tuesday 9 April 2013

Interior minister reiterates Morocco's sincere will to promote ties with Algeria

 Interior minister reiterates Morocco's sincere will to promote ties with Algeria

Interior minister Mohand Laensar reiterated Morocco's sincere will to promote relations with Algeria.

Morocco is driven by a sincere will to promote relations with Algeria. There is no double language in our discourse, Laensar said at a joint press conference with ministers who have taken part in the 15th conference of 5+5 group interior ministers.

 There is a will to foster ties with Algeria despite the dispute over the Sahara, said Laensar, calling for making a difference between opening the Moroccan-Algerian borders and settling the Sahara issue.

 "We are united by matters related to geography, history and the fight against colonialism, he said, calling for letting the UN solve the Sahara problem.

 He affirmed that Morocco's efforts to combat drug trafficking are recognized internationally.