Arab World Countries Face Great Challenges as Demographic Transition, Head of Govt.

The countries of the Arab world face great challenges including the demographic transition and the new needs and expectations it generates especially among young people and women, said, on Tuesday in Marrakech, head of Government Saad Eddine El Othmani.
This issue requires that Arab countries set up social and economic policies that meet the expectations of the population, particularly in the areas of education, health, social security and employment, said El Othmani, who was speaking at the opening of the high-level regional conference held under the theme "Opportunities for all: promoting growth, employment and inclusion in the Arab world".
In this context, he said that the problem of youth employment poses a challenge for the countries of the region, noting that this problem might worsen over the next few years, as would social, territorial and qualitative disparities which hamper economic growth and social cohesion in these countries.
Recalling efforts made by the said countries to improve the living condition of the population through enhancing access to social services and reducing poverty, the Head of Government noted, however, that these achievements do not match the set objectives as social security programs do not cover but 40% of the region's inhabitants.
This is why the reduction of these disparities and the integration of vulnerable categories into the development process is of paramount importance to achieve a more dynamic and inclusive economic development, attain a better lifestyle for the populations and consolidate social stability and solidarity, El Othmani added.
He also stressed that the challenges shared by the Arab countries require a specific vision and urgent and medium-term policies based on a realistic reform program to create jobs and contribute to the empowerment of young people and women
MAP: 30/01/2018