Full Text of HM the King’s Speech to the Signing Ceremony of Paris Climate Agreement
HM King Mohammed VI addressed a speech to the signing ceremony of Paris Climate Agreement held at the United Nations Headquarters, which was read on Friday by HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa, who represents HM the King at this ceremony.Here is the full text of the Royal speech:
Praise be to God May peace and blessings be upon the Prophet, His Kith and Kin
Mr. Secretary General,Madam President of the COP21,Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
We are proud Morocco is going to be among the first nations to sign the historic Paris Agreement on climate change and we pledge, in this respect, to take the necessary measures to ratify it as soon as possible.
I should like to commend the able leadership and great dedication shown by the French Presidency of the COP21, which made it possible to muster the resources needed and bring about the conditions required to achieve consensus on the Paris Agreement.
As we prepare for the COP22, which Morocco will have the honor of hosting in Marrakech, our collective efforts should focus on implementing the provisions of this comprehensive, balanced and equitable Agreement effectively.
Your Excellencies,
To honor its climate change commitments, the Kingdom of Morocco has adopted an integrated national policy to ensure environmental protection, tackle the effects of climate change and cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 32% by the year 2030.
In this regard, Morocco has launched several initiatives to promote the green economy; it has adopted the National Environment Charter as well the energy efficiency strategy and has liberalized the renewable energy sector.
As a result, my country has set even more ambitious goals for itself; we seek to meet 52% of our energy needs from renewable sources by 2030 thanks to major projects, particularly solar and wind farms.
Consistent with its solidarity-based policy, Morocco is willing to share its know-how in this area through innovative partnerships, particularly with African and MENA countries.
Your Excellencies,We hope the COP22 in Marrakesh will be an opportunity to raise global awareness about the need for resolute, collective action to combat climate change.
We also look forward to the adoption of procedures and mechanisms for the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement, including an action plan for the pre-2020 period for mitigation, adaptation, financing, capacity building, transparency and the transfer of technology, particularly for the benefit of developing countries and the least developed countries in Africa and Latin America, as well as Small Island Developing States.
It is, therefore, important to agree on a clear, predictable, concrete roadmap to raise the funds needed to finance projects and thus foster the desired change in private investment patterns.
To achieve the desired energy transition, it is important to make sure countries benefit from the full range of incentives. We also need to impose carbon pricing and cover all key sectors, including insurance and maritime and air transport.
Moreover, solutions must be found to environmental trade barriers, and developing countries should be supported in their endeavors to diversify their economies and have access to patented technology on preferential terms.
Your Excellencies,
At the COP21, we managed to lay down the groundwork for a new, ambitious, solidarity-based climate order. The 2015 Paris Climate Conference thus paved the way for the low-carbon era.
With this in mind, we can say that the negotiations on the implementation of the Paris Agreement reflect and attest to the solidarity and spirit of responsibility shown by the international community.
We are counting on the commitment of all parties to turn the pledges made in Paris into specific objectives, effective mechanisms and concrete projects so that our ambitions may become a tangible reality, for the sake of our planet and for the benefit of future generations.
Morocco is looking forward to the honor of welcoming you to the city of Marrakesh, from 7 to 18 November 2016, where effective, collective contributions to international efforts to combat climate change will hopefully be consolidated.
Thank you.
Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh.
MAP 22 April 2016