HM the King Sends Message To Chair of Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People
HM King Mohammed VI sent on Sunday a message to the Chair of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People Cheikh Niang, on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
Here follows the full text of the royal message:
Your Excellency Cheikh Niang, Chair of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People,
Your Excellencies,
Ladies and gentlemen,
It gives me pleasure to address, once again, the respected Chair and Members of the United Nations Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People. I wish to express my thanks and appreciation for your earnest efforts to achieve the lofty goals for which this esteemed Committee was set up.
I commend the Committee on the valuable contribution it has been making to inform global public opinion of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.
Through my message today, I wish to reaffirm the Kingdom of Morocco's solidarity with our Palestinian brothers and sisters. We stand by the Palestinian people and continue to support their legitimate rights in order to establish an independent Palestinian State, with East Jerusalem as its capital – a State open to all around it and to all faiths.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Regardless of the profound changes and developments that have taken place in the Middle East in recent years, I am convinced that the Palestinian question is the key to a permanent and comprehensive solution in the Middle East region. Such a solution should be based on enabling all peoples of the region to live in security, peace and harmony, within the framework of international legitimacy, and in accordance with the principle of the two-state solution, which is agreed upon by the international community.
With that in mind, it is necessary to break the current impasse as far as the peace process is concerned. To that end, international efforts must be stepped up to revive direct negotiations between the Palestinian and the Israeli sides in order to resolve all contentious issues.
As much as we subscribe to achieving a just, lasting and comprehensive peace, we believe that unilateral measures in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, constitute a violation of international legitimacy, jeopardize any prospects for the desired solution, fuel conflict, breed frustration and reinforce extremist tendencies.
Therefore, I insist, once again, on the need to refrain from making any change that might affect the legal status of the occupied Palestinian territories and to set about creating the right conditions for the resumption of meaningful, responsible negotiations.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Considering its spiritual significance and its special legal status, the City of Jerusalem is at the center of any settlement between the Palestinians and Israelis. This is one of the final status issues that must be resolved through direct negotiations.
Given the special status of Jerusalem in the hearts and minds of the followers of the three monotheistic religions, I have always called, in my capacity as Chairman of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s Al-Quds Committee, for preserving the city’s unity and sanctity, together with its legal, cultural and religious status, and its special character as a city of peace.
In the "Appeal for Jerusalem", which I signed with His Holiness Pope Francis, on the occasion of His Holiness’s visit to the Kingdom of Morocco on 30 March 2019, we insisted on the need to preserve the Holy City as a common heritage of humanity, as a meeting place and as a symbol of peaceful coexistence for the followers of the three revealed religions – a place where mutual respect and dialogue are cultivated.
On the economic front, supporting our Jerusalemite brothers and sisters hinges on mobilizing material resources and means, and investing them in human development programs in Jerusalem.
I have sought to make sure this is done - under my supervision - by the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Agency, which is the executive branch of the Al-Quds Committee.
This effort involves concrete programs and projects in the health, education, housing and social service sectors, for the benefit of the inhabitants of Jerusalem. The aim is to enable them to enjoy a dignified life, to support their steadfast struggle and to improve their living conditions.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I have been following closely the intra-Palestinian reconciliation efforts and dialogue aimed at putting the Palestinian house in order. I have repeatedly expressed the hope that all Palestinian factions, whatever their affiliation, will engage in real reconciliation and in good faith so as to transcend the divisions that have been plaguing the Palestinians for years. The goal is to serve the lofty and just cause of Palestine.
I avail myself of this commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People to reiterate my full support for the State of Palestine, under the leadership of my brother His Excellency President Mahmoud Abbas, and for the efforts to fulfil the aspirations of our Palestinian brothers and sisters for independence, unity and prosperity.
Before concluding, I salute your Committee for its sincere efforts to promote understanding and rekindle awareness of just how important it is to find a just, comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue, and to make sure security, peace and prosperity prevail in the Middle East region.
MAP 30 November 2020