Saturday 29 April 2017

The Security Council unanimously extends the mandate of MINURSO until 30 April 2018

The Security Council unanimously extends the mandate of MINURSO until 30 April 2018

France Commends Adoption by UNSC of Resolution 2351 on Sahara

France commended on Tuesday the unanimous adoption by the UN Security Council (UNSC) of resolution 2351 (2017) on the Sahara, which extends by one year the MINURSO mandate.

"France commends the unanimous adoption on April 28 by the United Nations Security Council of resolution 2351, extending for one year MINURSO’s mandate, » French Foreign Ministry spokesman, Romain Nadal, said at a press briefing.

The French official hailed MINURSO’s actions aimed at preserving peace, security and stability in the region.

"The resolution confirms the return to full functionality of the mission, as underlined in the report of the United Nations Secretary-General, whose involvement on this issue was decisive," he said, stressing that the adopted text underlines the importance of resuming without further delay the political process led by the United Nations with the aim of reaching a just, lasting and mutually acceptable solution.

France considers the autonomy plan submitted by Morocco in 2007 as “a serious and credible basis for a negotiated solution," he pointed out.

MAP 02 May 2017

AUC commends Adoption by UNSC of Resolution 2351 on Sahara

The African Union Commission (AUC) commended the unanimous adoption by the UN Security Council (UNSC) of resolution 2351 (2017) on the Sahara, which extended by one year the MINURSO mandate.

"Chairman of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, welcomes the unanimous adoption by UN Security Council members of resolution 2351 (2017), which extended the mandate of the MINURSO until April 30, 2018," said the Commission in a statement, issued Sunday in Addis Ababa.

The same source added that AUC Chairman said that he lauded the "constructive spirit" and "determination" that guided the deliberations of the UN Security Council in advancing the peace process in the region, praising, in this regard, the UN Secretary-General's "determination" to re-launch the negotiating process with a view to "reaching a solution to this conflict.”

MAP 01 May 2017

Autonomy Initiative, Further Strengthened by UNSC Resolution on Moroccan Sahara (Bourita)

The autonomy initiative, presented by Morocco in 2007, was further strengthened by resolution 2351, adopted unanimously by the members of the UN Security Council (UNSC), said ,Saturday, minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Nasser Bourita.

In this resolution, the Security Council takes note once again of the Moroccan proposal by welcoming the "serious and credible" efforts made by the Kingdom to move forward towards a final settlement of the artificial conflict over the Moroccan Sahara , Bourita said during a meeting with the press in Rabat.

"The resolution of the Security Council is very clear on this subject in the sense that there is a momentum created since 2007 and which is now a reference and a basis of work for the United Nations on this issue," said the Moroccan official.

He added that thanks to the actions carried out by HM King Mohammed VI, Morocco has contributed greatly to the creation of the atmosphere of serenity in which the debates took place within the Security Council.

The new resolution stresses the regional dimension of the conflict over the issue of the Moroccan Sahara, by calling on neighboring countries to clearly cooperate with the UN and to become more involved in order to end the current impasse and make progress towards a political solution, Bourita went on to say.

Therefore, the Security Council joins the call of the UN Secretary-General by stressing the fact that "Algeria and Mauritania can and should lend an important support for this process", noted Bourita, adding that this is a "new fact" in the UN resolution.

It is no longer an "optional or voluntary contribution" but an "obligation to get involved in the search" for a definitive solution to this artificial conflict, the minister said.

Despite attempts by the other parties to deviate attention from the political process, seeking in vain to raise, as in recent years, a debate on human rights, natural resources and the mandate of the Minurso, the Security Council proved once again that it is aware that the political process remains the key to any solution to this artificial conflict, he added.

Bourita also welcomed Washington's position, reaffirmed by the new US administration, on the Moroccan proposal for autonomy, which was described as "serious, credible and realistic", while stressing that it represents a "potential approach to meet the aspirations of the population of the Sahara to manage their own affairs in peace and dignity.”

The same position was reiterated very clearly by France and Senegal, added the minister, noting that "three countries from three continents agreed on this proposal for autonomy."

MAP 29 April 2017

Foresight of HM the King Was Decisive in Managing Guerguarat Problem (FM)

The foresight of HM King Mohammed VI was decisive in managing the problem of the Guerguarat area, putting the other parties under the full weight of their responsibility, said, Saturday, minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Nasser Bourita.

"The decisions taken and their timing have been decisive in creating an environment where the UN Security Council has distinguished between those who act constructively and those who attempt to manipulate and defy the Council and international legality," Bourita told the press following the adoption by the Security Council of resolution 2351 (2017) on the Sahara issue.

"Morocco has taken note of the statement issued by the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping on the withdrawal of the polisario from this area," the minister said, stressing that the Kingdom remains "vigilant" on this issue.

The withdrawal should be "total, unconditional and permanent", said Bourita, stressing that the Minurso and the UN Secretary-General are called upon to assume their responsibilities in the implementation of this withdrawal.

He also noted that Morocco has always considered the area of Guerguarat as a buffer zone, endowed with a clear legal status, and that any change of this status represents a violation of the cease-fire agreements.

Bourita stressed that the myth of the "liberated territory" put forward by the polisario is only a "lexicon and gesticulations contrary to the international legality and the resolutions of the Security Council".

Morocco has been clear and firm concerning the presence of the polisario in this area, said the minister, stressing that the position of the Kingdom has been confirmed by the UN Secretary-General and the Security Council who have "put the polisario and its guardians before their relentless responsibilities" of violation of the ceasefire.

"The wacky statements of the polisario on this issue would have served no purpose, since today the polisario leaves the area of Guerguarat with head bowed," he concluded.

MAP 29 April 2017

UNSC Welcomes Role of CNDH Regional Commissions in Dakhla, Laayoune

The UN Security Council (UNSC) on Friday welcomed the role of the regional Commissions of the National Council for Human Rights (CNDH) in Dakhla and Laayoune, as well as Morocco's interaction with the Special Procedures of the UN Human Rights Council.

In its resolution 2351, extending the mandate of the MINURSO by one year until April 30th, 2018 and adopted unanimously, the Security Council "welcomes the recent measures and initiatives taken by Morocco and the role played by the Commissions of the National Council for Human Rights operating in Dakhla and Laayoune."

In this context, the resolution called for the resumption of cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in the implementation of confidence-building measures and encouraged the parties to consider other appropriate confidence-building measures.

The Council also called for the re-launching of negotiations on the Moroccan Sahara, stressing that "realism" and the "spirit of compromise" are "essential" to move the negotiating process forward.

It emphasized the importance of "the commitment of the parties to continue the process of preparing a fifth round of negotiations", noting that "realism and the spirit of compromise by the parties are essential to move forward in the negotiations.”
MAP 29 April 2017

Washington Highlights Before UNSC 'Serious, Credible and Realistic' Character of Autonomy Plan in Sahara

The United States "continue to consider the Moroccan autonomy plan (in the Sahara) as being serious, credible and realistic," the US Deputy Representative to the United Nations, ambassador Michele J. Sison, told the UN Security Council (UNSC) on Friday.

"We continue to consider the autonomy plan as being serious, credible and realistic, and represents a potential approach to meeting the aspirations of the population of the Sahara to manage its own affairs in peace and dignity," said the US diplomat in a speech following the unanimous adoption by the members of the Council of resolution 2351, extending the mandate of the MINURSO for one year (until April 30th, 2018).

She also expressed the full support of the United States to the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, with a view to re-launching the negotiations on the basis of a new moment and spirit.

MAP 29 April 2017

Morocco Notes with Satisfaction Adoption of Resolution 2351 by UNSC on Moroccan Sahara Issue

Morocco notes with satisfaction the unanimous adoption by the UN Security Council (UNSC), on April 28th, of resolution 2351 (2017) on the issue of the Moroccan Sahara, said Saturday a statement by the ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

This resolution extends the mandate of the MINURSO for one year, within the strict framework of its current activities, noted the statement, adding that the resolution converges on several points with the assessments and recommendations of the UN Secretary-General, contained in his latest report to the Security Council (S/2017/307).

The Council clearly reaffirms the parameters of the political process as defined since 2007, the ministry noted. This process should be guided by "realism and a spirit of compromise", take into consideration the efforts made by Morocco since 2006, and take into account the pre-eminence of the Moroccan autonomy initiative.

The UN body also hails once again the "serious and credible" efforts that have led to the formulation of the autonomy plan, the same source added.

The resolution, the statement noted, also reiterates the regional dimension of the artificial dispute over the Moroccan Sahara, and specifies the responsibility of neighboring countries, particularly Algeria.

Therefore, the Security Council joins the Secretary General's appeal, stressing that "Algeria and Mauritania can and should lend an important support for this process," the ministry pointed out.

It added that the responsibility of Algeria is also confirmed in relation to the census of the populations of the Tindouf camps. Indeed, the Council, and for the 6th consecutive year, recalls the importance of the census and -new this year- "insists that efforts should be made in this regard.”

Morocco hopes that the other parties will actively and constructively get involved in order to put an end to this regional dispute, as part of these parameters, precisely defined by the Security Council and in the light of their clearly identified responsibilities.

Morocco also hopes that the conditions for a real revival of the process will be met, according to the same source.

In this context, Morocco reiterates its commitment to work towards a definitive solution, within the framework of the autonomy initiative, the statement concluded.

29 April 2017

EU Welcomes Adoption by UNSC of Resolution 2351 on Sahara Issue (Spokesperson)

The European Union (EU) welcomes the adoption by the UN Security Council (UNSC) of resolution 2351 on the Sahara issue, said a spokesperson of the EU.

"The European Union welcomes the adoption by the UN Security Council of the resolution on the renewal of MINURSO's mandate until April 30th, 2018," the spokesperson told MAP.

The EU says it encourages the parties "to use the window of opportunity created by this decision as well as by the withdrawal of military forces from the Guerguerat area, to work for a lasting peace," she added.

"In the interest of stability and security in the region, the European Union will renew its support for the efforts of the UN Secretary-General" aimed at achieving a just, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution to the Sahara issue, under arrangements that are consistent with the principles and purposes of the UN Charter, calling on all parties to respect the terms of the ceasefire, said the EU official.

MAP 29 April 2017

There Will Be No political Process If There Is Only One Trace of Polisario in Guerguarat (Ambassador)
Morocco's ambassador, Permanent Representative in the United Nations, Omar Hilale, said, Friday at the UN headquarters in New York, that "there will be no political process for the settlement of the Sahara issue if there is only one trace of the polisario at Guerguarat."

"We are giving the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), and especially the MINURSO, the time of this weekend to make sure that any trace of the polisario in Guerguarat is removed," Hilale told a press conference following the unanimous adoption by the Security Council of resolution 2351, extending the MINURSO mandate for one year (until April 30th, 2018).

"There will be no discussion with anybody, including the United Nations. We trust the DPKO and the MINURSO. It was they who confirmed, this evening, the departure of all the polisario elements” from Guerguarat.

"We do not want the DPKO and the MINURSO to condone deception and cheating," said the Moroccan official.

MAP 29 April 2017

Christopher Ross Was the Best Diplomat Algeria Ever Had in Last Forty Years (Omar Hilale)
The personal envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General for the Sahara, Christopher Ross, is "the man of the past. He has been the best diplomat that Algeria has ever had during the last forty years," said, on Friday in New York, Morocco's Ambassador, Permanent Representative in the United Nations, Omar Hilale.

"For us, Christopher Ross is the man of the past," Hilale told a press conference after the unanimous adoption by the Security Council of the resolution 2351, extending the mandate of the MINURSO for one year, until April 30th, 2018.

He added that the personal envoy of the UN Secretary-General "had the mission to facilitate negotiations, but unfortunately he has become the problem."

"We look to the future. Morocco is looking to the future and I would say that Ross has been the best diplomat Algeria has ever had in the last forty years,” Hilale said.

Asked about former German President Horst Kohler, whose name was recently circulated as a potential successor to Christopher Ross, Hilale said that "we have nothing against Germany with which Morocco has excellent economic, political, cultural bilateral relations. And we have nothing against any former German Head of State.”

"We told the Secretary-General that Morocco was not willing to talk about anyone as a successor (of Ross), or the resumption of the political process as long as the Gueguarat problem is not resolved. Now that the latter is in the process of being settled, we are ready, after verification, to talk about it,” Hilale concluded.

MAP 29 April 2017

UNSC Recommends Re-launching of Negotiations in Spirit of 'Realism', ‘Compromise’

The UN Security Council (UNSC) on Friday called for the resumption of negotiations on the Moroccan Sahara, stressing that "realism" and the spirit of "compromise" are "essential" in order to achieve progress in the negotiations.

In its resolution 2351, extending the mandate of the MINURSO by one year until April 30th, 2018 and adopted unanimously, the Council stressed the importance of "the commitment of the parties to continue the process of preparing a fifth round of negotiations ", noting that "realism and the spirit of compromise by the parties are essential for progress in the negotiations."

In this context, the Council encouraged neighboring countries to "make an important contribution to this process.”

Members of the Council called on the parties to "demonstrate political will and work in an atmosphere conducive to dialogue in order to resume negotiations".

In this regard, the Council welcomed the "serious and credible" efforts of Morocco "to move the process towards a resolution", thus stressing the pre-eminence of the autonomy proposal in the Sahara, presented by the Kingdom in April 2007.

The Council also expressed its full support for the commitment of the Secretary-General and his personal envoy to reach an agreement on the Sahara issue and “to re-launch the negotiating process with a new dynamic and a new spirit leading to the resumption of a political process with the aim of achieving a mutually acceptable political solution.”

In this context, the Council insisted on the importance of resuming negotiations under the aegis of the United Nations "without preconditions and in good faith, taking into account the efforts made since 2006 and the subsequent developments, in order to achieve a just, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution.”

MAP 29 April 2017