Monday 22 January 2024

Salé: FAAPA Holds 7th GA Under the Theme: 'African Newsmaking: A Major Sovereign Stake'

Salé: FAAPA Holds 7th GA Under the Theme: 'African Newsmaking: A Major Sovereign Stake'

The 7th General Assembly of the Atlantic Federation of African Press Agencies (FAAPA) kicked off on Monday in Salé, under the theme: "African Newsmaking: A Major Sovereign Stake".

This major event brings together Directors General of African press agencies, media experts and prominent figures from the African Atlantic region to explore ways of strengthening African sovereignty through information and dynamic initiatives along the Atlantic coastline.

In this regard, the opening session focused on the ways and means of deepening reflection through a panel under the theme: "African Sovereignty in Action: Perspectives on Information and the Initiative for the Atlantic region."

Upholding the sovereignty of African information is a challenge for all the region's media, especially national press agencies, which are urged to develop and adapt their media discourse, both individually and collectively, to highlight African specificities in their cultural, political and economic diversity, as part of a common approach to cooperation and development.

In light of the Royal Strategic Initiative to promote access to Morocco's Atlantic coast for landlocked Sahel countries, this panel will highlight the role of news agencies in general, and FAAPA in particular, in promoting information cooperation along the Atlantic coastline, supporting development initiatives in the Sahel-Atlantic region, and upholding the media sovereignty of countries on the continent.

Furthermore, through interactive sessions, debates and the sharing of experiences, participants at this General Assembly will explore ways in which African press agencies can play a central role in asserting the sovereignty of the African continent.

An important conference at the Policy Center for the New South of Mohammed VI Polytechnic University will also be organized during this two-day General Assembly to discuss the multiple facets of the potential of the African Atlantic and explore sustainable development and regional integration in this region.

Participants will also examine the final report of the 6th General Assembly of FAAPA, reports on Executive Council meetings and training seminars, the financial report, in addition to adopting resolutions and recommendations.

The General Assembly will also be marked, on Tuesday, by the presentation of the FAAPA Media Grand Prix for 2022 & 2023 (award for the best article, best video report, and best photo), and the signing of cooperation and partnership agreements between certain member press agencies of the Federation.

Established on October 14, 2014, in Casablanca, the Atlantic Federation of African Press Agencies is a professional platform for reflection on the future of press agencies and the role they must play in the 21st century, taking into account their diversities and respective specificities, considering the profound changes characterizing the media landscape in the context of globalization and the multimedia era.

The Federation, which comprises 30 press agencies and professional groups, aims to promote cooperation and the exchange of experiences among press agencies in all areas of common interest, including information, training, and multimedia products.

Its objectives include establishing a strategic partnership and developing professional relationships among press agencies, contributing to consolidating the free flow of information, and strengthening cooperation and coordination at regional and international forums.

MAP: 22 January 2024