Wednesday 5 August 2015

Foreign ministry will have zero tolerance policy towards any violation against expatriates

Foreign ministry will have zero tolerance policy towards any violation against expatriates, FM

Foreign minister Salaheddine Mezouar said, on Wednesday in Rabat, that his ministry will have a firm, zero tolerance policy concerning any violation by the Kingdom's consulates against Moroccan expatriates.

In a statement to the press after a meeting on measures to take to find permanent solutions to expats' problems, the official said that the foreign ministry will issue, as part of a series of measures taken in conformity with the Royal Instructions, a circular on the firm and zero tolerance policy regarding all cases of established ill-treatment, disrespect of expatriates' dignity, violation of the job's ethics and adherence to political activities.

 In this regard, the foreign ministry will make sure to impose firm and swift administrative penalties, Mezouar said.

 The minister announced measures scheduled on the very short term concerning the creation of a distance guiding mechanism at the central level, noting that this mechanism, to be launched within three months, will be tasked with providing administrative data for expatriates as well as the necessary information on the different consular services.

 Speeding up the operation of upgrading consulates' premises, to better receive the Moroccan community abroad and match the quality administrative services of the host country, is also among the measures announced by the minister.

 Mezouar also underlined that a total of 250 million dirhams will be earmarked for the consulates' revamping operations which should be completed by the end of the next year, in addition to procedures' reform. 

 HM King Mohammed VI had underlined, in a speech to the Nation on the 16th anniversary of the sovereign's accession to the Throne, the need to remedy the problematic situation in some consulates, reaffirming his will to protect the interests of the Moroccan community abroad.

 "I urge the Minister of Foreign Affairs to take firm action and remedy the problematic situation in some consulates," HM the King had said.

 The meeting was held at the foreign ministry's headquarters in the presence of interior minister Mohamed Hassad, as well as representatives from the Justice ministry, the expatriates and immigration ministry and the government's secretariat general.

MAP 05 August 2015