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Ramadán: La Agencia Bayt Mal Al-Quds continúa la distribución de raciones diarias de alimentos a las familias palestinas

The Bayt Mal Al-Quds Asharif Agency continues to distribute daily food rations to Palestinian families benefiting from the social assistance campaign in the Holy City on this year's Holy month of Ramadan, which also includes a food basket comprising 22 basic necessary products.

In this respect, the Beit Hanina sports complex hosted on Wednesday a family gathering attended by some 500 members of the families of orphans cared for by the Agency, as well as members of the Nour Association for the Blind and associations for people with special needs.

Immersed in the spirit of Ramadan, participants relived memories of the collective iftars that have been lacking in Al-Quds, due to security conditions linked to the war against Gaza and in certain areas of the West Bank.

On this occasion, the Kingdom’s flags were unfurled as a sign of gratitude to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, from the representatives of the associations and institutions attending the event, for this noble, unique and unprecedented humanitarian gesture, which is repeated every year on the occasion of the Holy month.

The Bayt Mal Al-Quds Agency's social assistance campaign for Ramadan continues throughout the holy month, with the distribution of hundreds of food baskets and thousands of hot meals.

As in previous years, the lists of beneficiaries have been drawn up by social workers according to precise criteria, under the supervision of the Agency's programs and projects coordination office in the Holy City, thus ensuring an equitable distribution of this aid in all the neighborhoods, camps and villages of Al-Quds.

MAP: 20 March 2025