• Creation of the governorship of the Maghreb, and Tarik ben Ziyad is appointed governor of the country of Tangier

  • Tarik ben Ziyad takes possession of Toledo

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  • Foundation of Sijilmassa, the emirate of the Midrarids, by Abu-l-Qasim Semgu al-Maknasi

  • Idris I reaches the western Maghreb

  • The Awraba tribes pledge allegiance to Moulay Idris I, who undertakes the foundation of the city of Fez

  • Assassination of Moulay Idris I at the instigation of Harun al-Rashid, the Abbasid caliph

  • Moulay Idris II succeeds his father at the age of 11

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  • Moulay Idris II resumes the project of founding the city of Fez

  • Fatima al-Fihriya and her sister Maryam finance the construction in Fez, one of the Qarawiyyin Mosque, the other of the Andalusian Mosque


From the book « Chronologie de l’histoire du Maroc (Des temps préhistoriques à la fin du XXe siècle) ».Published by the Royal Institute for Research in the History of Morocco

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