• End of Jugurtha and the expansion of Mauretania from the Atlantic Ocean to Oued el Kébir in present-day Algeria

  • Sosus or Mastanesosus, son of Bocchus I, reclaims his father's throne

  • The kingdom of Mauretania is divided into Western Mauretania and Eastern Mauretania

  • Bocchus the Younger reunites the two Mauretanias under one authority, and Bogud is ousted from power

  • Death of Bocchus II

  • The kingdom of Mauretania is administered by the Roman triumvir Octavian

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  • Proclamation of Juba II as king of Mauretania

  • Death of Juba II and Ptolemy succeeds him

  • King Ptolemy is assassinated on the orders of Emperor Caligula


From the book « Chronologie de l’histoire du Maroc (Des temps préhistoriques à la fin du XXe siècle) ».Published by the Royal Institute for Research in the History of Morocco

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