Monday 3 November 2014

The Visit Of The Speaker Of The Kenyan Senate To Morocco

The Visit Of The Speaker Of The Kenyan Senate To Morocco

Benkirane Discusses Bilateral Cooperation With Kenyan Senate Speaker

 Morocco's head of government Abdelilah Benkirane met Tuesday in Rabat with the speaker of the Kenyan Senate David Ekwe Ethuro on means of promoting bilateral cooperation.

   During this meeting, Benkirane highlighted Morocco's particular interest, under the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI , in strengthening bonds of friendship and cooperation relations with the African countries and accompanying Africa's development process, a statement of the head of government said.   

   Moroccan Premier also reiterated his government's readiness to further promote the Moroccan-Kenyan relations in all areas and the Kingdom's willingness to share its experiences with Kenya in priority sectors, the statement added.

   The two parties particularly explored prospects of cooperation in the religious field in favour of the Muslim community in Kenya and in the area of trade through the establishment of a Moroccan-Kenyan business council.

   Ekwe Ethuro and Benkirane also discussed means of boosting bilateral cooperation in higher education by increasing the number Moroccan scholarships for Kenyan students in the Kingdom as well as the possibility of launching a direct flight service between the two countries, the statement concluded. 

MAP 05 November 2014

Moroccan FM Meets With Kenyan Senate Speaker

Moroccan minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Salaheddine Mezouar held talks Monday in Rabat with the speaker of the Kenyan Senate David Ekwe Ethuro on means of strengthening cooperation in several areas.

The meeting was an opportunity to discuss several issues of common interest and explore possibilities of cooperation in various areas, Ekwe Ethuro told journalists.

"We also focused on the need for Africa to start working together to fight terrorism as many terrorist movements are getting very active in the continent, such as Boko Haram in Nigeria and in its neighbouring countries and the Chabab in the Corn of Africa.

In this context, the Kenyan official stressed the need to reinforce coordination between security and intelligence services of the African countries.

Cooperation in the fields of trade and training was also among the main themes of the meeting, Ekwe Ethuro noted, expressing in this context his country's gratitude to Morocco for granting hundreds of scholarships to Kenyan students in very important specialties for Kenya's development, such as medicine and engineering.

MAP 03 November 2014